Podere Il Carnasciale
True to Wolf Rogosky’s idea and vision, the secluded hilltop estate is run today by Moritz Rogosky and his
mother Bettina, together with the oenologist and technical director Marco Maffei and the consulting winemaker
Peter Schilling.
The variety Caberlot was frst identifed in the late 1960´s in an abandoned vineyard near Padua by the
agronomist Dr. Remigio Bordini. While the grape has the organoleptic characteristics of Cabernet Franc, its
ampelographic profle is closer to that of Merlot, leading us to assume that the loose-cluster Caberlot is a
natural, spontaneous crossing of the two varieties.
After hearing of this discovery Wolf met Bordini and the enologist Vittorio Fiore in the early 1980’s, and
following the bitter frost of 1985 set out to produce a great wine of truly unique character. The frst vineyard
Carnasciale covering 0,3 hectares was planted in 1986. The Caberlot variety is cultivated exclusively at Podere Il Carnasciale and we are what one could call an ‘haute couture’ winery, where extreme care and craft go to detail, precision and quality.